The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a 200-mile Andes Mountain ridge aptly named by explorer Alexander von Humboldt. This picturesque valley stretching south from Quito, Ecuador is the perfect adventure by helicopter. A thrilling flight includes the imposing Cotopaxi Mountain (19,345 feet), the highest active volcano in Ecuador, and a host of other volcanic wonders amid truly breathtaking scenery. This route usually takes days by road, but you can see it all in just ninety minutes of aerial wonderment across the skies of Ecuador.
At the Galapagos Isles, on September 15th, 1835, a five-year voyage of discovery by Charles Darwin and led by Captain Robert FitzRoy on H.M.S. Beagle landed ashore. Darwin’s subsequent theory and scientific paper On The Origin of Species was to irrevocably change the understanding of the evolutionary biology on our planet. Today, we offer your very own Galapagos evolutionary voyage of discovery aboard the luxurious Origin and Theory cruise vessels.